Approved Media – Mr. Christopher
Photography Modeling Management
Chris A Stevens
The Photographer:
His name is Christopher Alexander Stevens also known as The Photographer. He was born in 1984 in Norfolk Virginia. His interests are video games, anime and photography. He is now in Newport News VA and operates a self-sustained modeling agency. He’s been doing photography for 14 years. His first Love for photography was Nature Photos… This began his way down the road toward being the Photographer…

After being hospitalized from the end of 2009 til May 2010 Chris did not know what he was gonna do with his life. His childhood friend had introduced him to club photography because he knew Chris was into photography. One Day he came across a girl who wanted him to manage her. She stated “You’re a genius who owns a camera so manage me.” This day he became the Photographer.

During this time he upgraded to become the photographer. Then he created Approved Media. Media that is Approved by the people for the people. This is still his mantra today. He does all forms of photography. His outlook on the world is different from others. His level of creativity sets him apart from others in his field.
The following i the IQ (Intelligence Quotient) of the Photographer Owner and C.E.O. of Approved Media.
Professional info:
Work experience
Nature Photographer
2000 – present
2010 – present
I was doing photos at a well-known local club during which time I met a young woman. Not someone I was interested in intimate relations but attractive none the less. She pointed out my intuition and my ability to think fast on my feet. Then proposed that since I was a photographer why not manage models and use my intuition to help people advance in life. I’ve been very passionate about management from that day forward and began building myself up doing what I Love photography.
Corporate C.E.O.
In the year 2016 on March 8th Approved Media Officially became Approved Media Incorporated. They changed the business plan an regulations.
1998 – 2002
2006 – 2012
– Chris Stevens
Moral Statement:
Mr. Christopher is a photographer but his personality and view of the world is multifaceted in a way not many can understand. Something most don’t know about the CEO he is what is known as a Jack-Of-All-Trades. He can cook, paint, is highly educated and can adapt to any situation or learn about what is need for a task with a very high-efficiency. He honed his cooking skills in the Kitchen with his Mother she is a Haitian American who has a spicy flare for creating new dishes and adding her own touches to traditional recipes. This skill has carried on into his daily life in a way that he adds hid own personal flare to everything that he does. He views things outside of the box at all times most people see 6+3=9 he sees 4+5=9 same results just a different route than the average person. He has the ability to do a photo shoot in any situation adapting photography to guerrilla tactics shooting at any time any place. He can adapt to small place or wide open places. He can shoot in a space as small as a laundry room or as wide and open as a national park. He doesn’t see problems he sees solutions which gives him an edge over others. You want to see how he views the world? Take a look at the photo below and take a look at the view of the CEO…
“What do you see when you look at this I’ll tell you the answer isn’t 21 cents…”

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