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Approved Media Inc. – Management Form
Photography Modeling Management Application
If you are an adult looking to apply as a model with our company please go here:
If you are a teen looking to apply as a model with our company please go here:
Redeem it at https://www.uber.com/invite/uber10$FreeRide
“Everything is about strategy without the proper strategy everything fell apart because you never had one…”
– Chris A. Stevens
Management Direction: Approved Media Inc. is one of the premiere companies in the 757. We spend our time on the important aspects of management. Currently we are managing people in VA to California. To get managed by us in 2018 please fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible:
Head Manager and C.E.O.
Chris A. Stevens
Proper management is the key to any career. Only the truly serious in pursuing their goals look for serious management. Does that fit you are you serious about modeling or music or some other talent? We prepare people for the lifestyle they are looking forward to living. We show you where to invest your money and what venues will be the most advantageous to your career. We orchestrate everything so your career moves in a steady pace and right on time. We build social media profiles to build your following and attract the proper attention for your genre. They say every millionaire have 7 forms of income our goal is to make sure you at least have 3 forms. We have the experience and strategy to make sure you have a great future. Managing people properly and in the right direction is the goal of Approved Media Inc…

Get To Know Our Management:
If I Were Managed By Approved Media Inc…
Manage Investments
Manage Sources of Income
Manage Public Image
Manage Appointments
Manage Use of Time
Manage Social Media Profiles
Manage Google Ranking
Manage Portfolio Functionality
Manage Network Relations
Manage Contractual Agreements
Manage Legal coverage
Manage Insurance Coverage

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